modules/calendar/calendar library
- CalendarCourseTasksOverview
- Modules overview of a course.
- CalendarModule
- Module implementing the app's calendar feature.
- CalendarPlan
- A plan of when to to which MoodleTasks.
- CalendarPlanRepository
- Repository for managing a user's CalendarPlan.
- CalendarScreen
- Renders the UI of the calendar feature.
- CalendarScreenState
- State of the CalendarScreen.
- CalendarTasksOverviewCell
- Cell for the modules overview.
- CalendarTasksOverviewMonthHeader
- Month header
- DeadlinesDatasource
- Data source for managing PlanDeadlines.
- InvitableMemberWidget
- Renders a user that can be invited to a plan.
- InvitesDatasource
- Data source for managing PlanInvites.
- PlanCell
- A cell in the plan grid.
- PlanDatasource
- Data source for managing a user's CalendarPlan.
- PlanDeadline
- A deadline for a MoodleTask in a CalendarPlan.
- PlanInvite
- An invitation to a CalendarPlan.
- PlanInviteMemberDialog
- Dialog to invite a user to the current user's plan.
- PlanMember
- A member of a CalendarPlan.
- PlanMemberWidget
- Renders a single member of a plan.
- PlanPopup
- Plan management popup.
- PlanPopupMembers
- Members tab in the plan popup
- PlanPopupTasks
- Tasks tab in the PlanPopup.
- PlanScreen
- Displays a calendar view and allows the user to plan their tasks.
- TasksOverviewScreen
- Displays the monthly distribution of tasks.
- CalendarScreenTab
- The tabs of the calendar screen.
- PlanInviteStatus
- The status of a PlanInvite.
- PlanMemberAccessType
- The access type of a member in a plan.