modules/app/utils/dialog_utils library


showAlertDialog(BuildContext context, {required String title, required String message, String? confirmLabel}) Future<void>
Shows an alert dialog with the given title and message to the user. The dialog will have an OK button to dismiss it.
showAnimatedDialog<T>({required BuildContext context, required RoutePageBuilder pageBuilder}) Future<T?>
Shows a dialog with default animations.
showConfirmationDialog(BuildContext context, {required String title, required String message, String? confirmLabel, String? cancelLabel}) Future<bool>
Shows a confirmation dialog with the given title and message to the user.
showGenericDialog<T>(BuildContext context, {required String title, required Widget content, List<DialogAction>? actions, bool shrinkWrap = true}) Future<T?>
Shows a GenericDialog with the given title and content to the user.