UserCapabilitiesExtension extension

Provides helper methods for List<UserCapability>.



hasDev bool

Available on List<UserCapability>, provided by the UserCapabilitiesExtension extension

Returns true if is one of the capabilities the user has. Otherwise false.
no setter
hasModerator bool

Available on List<UserCapability>, provided by the UserCapabilitiesExtension extension

Returns true if the list contains UserCapability.moderator. Otherwise false.
no setter
hasStudent bool

Available on List<UserCapability>, provided by the UserCapabilitiesExtension extension

Returns true if the list contains UserCapability.student. Otherwise false.
no setter
hasTeacher bool

Available on List<UserCapability>, provided by the UserCapabilitiesExtension extension

Returns true if the list contains UserCapability.teacher. Otherwise false.
no setter
highest UserCapability

Available on List<UserCapability>, provided by the UserCapabilitiesExtension extension

Returns the highest UserCapability in the list.
no setter


has(List<UserCapability> capabilities) bool

Available on List<UserCapability>, provided by the UserCapabilitiesExtension extension

Returns true if the list contains all of the given capabilities. Otherwise false.