ThemeBase constructor
- required Color primaryColor,
- required Color secondaryColor,
- required Color tertiaryColor,
- required Color accentColor,
- required Color onAccentColor,
- required Color errorColor,
- required Color moduleDoneColor,
- required Color modulePendingColor,
- required Color moduleUploadedColor,
- required Color textColor,
- required String name,
- required IconData icon,
- required Brightness brightness,
- @Default(false) bool usesMaterial3,
Contains some basic information about a theme which is later used to generate a fully fledged theme.
factory ThemeBase({
/// The color to use for the surface of components.
required Color primaryColor,
/// The color to use for the background of the app.
required Color secondaryColor,
/// The color to use for separators and dividers.
required Color tertiaryColor,
/// The color to use for buttons and other interactive elements.
required Color accentColor,
/// The color to use for text on top of the primary color.
required Color onAccentColor,
/// The color to use to indicate errors.
required Color errorColor,
/// The color to use for modules that are completed.
required Color moduleDoneColor,
/// The color to use for modules that are pending.
required Color modulePendingColor,
/// The color to use for modules that have been uploaded.
required Color moduleUploadedColor,
/// The color to use for text.
required Color textColor,
/// The name of the theme.
required String name,
/// The icon of the theme.
required IconData icon,
/// The brightness of the theme.
required Brightness brightness,
/// Whether the theme uses Material 3.
@Default(false) bool usesMaterial3,
}) = _ThemeBase;