ThemeBase constructor

  1. required Color primaryColor,
  2. required Color secondaryColor,
  3. required Color tertiaryColor,
  4. required Color accentColor,
  5. required Color onAccentColor,
  6. required Color errorColor,
  7. required Color moduleDoneColor,
  8. required Color modulePendingColor,
  9. required Color moduleUploadedColor,
  10. required Color textColor,
  11. required String name,
  12. required IconData icon,
  13. required Brightness brightness,
  14. @Default(false) bool usesMaterial3,

Contains some basic information about a theme which is later used to generate a fully fledged theme.


factory ThemeBase({
  /// The color to use for the surface of components.
  required Color primaryColor,

  /// The color to use for the background of the app.
  required Color secondaryColor,

  /// The color to use for separators and dividers.
  required Color tertiaryColor,

  /// The color to use for buttons and other interactive elements.
  required Color accentColor,

  /// The color to use for text on top of the primary color.
  required Color onAccentColor,

  /// The color to use to indicate errors.
  required Color errorColor,

  /// The color to use for modules that are completed.
  required Color moduleDoneColor,

  /// The color to use for modules that are pending.
  required Color modulePendingColor,

  /// The color to use for modules that have been uploaded.
  required Color moduleUploadedColor,

  /// The color to use for text.
  required Color textColor,

  /// The name of the theme.
  required String name,

  /// The icon of the theme.
  required IconData icon,

  /// The brightness of the theme.
  required Brightness brightness,

  /// Whether the theme uses Material 3.
  @Default(false) bool usesMaterial3,
}) = _ThemeBase;