MoodleCourse constructor
- @JsonKey(name: 'courseid') required int id,
- @HexColorConverter() required Color color,
- required String name,
- required String shortname,
- @BoolConverter() required bool enabled,
A course on Moodle the user is enrolled in.
const factory MoodleCourse({
/// The ID of this course.
@JsonKey(name: 'courseid') required int id,
/// The color of this course in hexadecimal format.
@HexColorConverter() required Color color,
/// The name of this course.
required String name,
/// The shortname chosen by the user for this course.
/// Limited to 5 characters.
required String shortname,
/// Whether the user want's the app to track this course.
@BoolConverter() required bool enabled,
}) = _MoodleCourse;