chmod method

  1. @override
Future<void> chmod(
  1. String token,
  2. int userId,
  3. PlanMemberAccessType accessType

Modifies the access type of the member with the given userId in the plan of the user associated with the given token.


Future<void> chmod(String token, int userId, PlanMemberAccessType accessType) async {
  log('Changing access type of user $userId to $accessType');

  try {
    await _apiService.callFunction(
      function: 'local_lbplanner_plan_update_access',
      token: token,
      body: {
        'memberid': userId,
        'accesstype': accessType.index,

    log('Access type of user $userId changed to $accessType');
  } catch (e, s) {
    log('Failed to change access type of user $userId to $accessType', e, s);